
With a printed voxel size on the order of 200nm, this unique 3D-printer (Nanoscribe) is capable of creating micrometer-scale objects with (quasi-)random geometries. With such a small feature-size, it is only normal that the maximum size that can be printed in a reasonable time is in the order of a few millimeter. Shown in the images are some printed designs. Our 3D confocal microscope is capable of measuring the printed structures but for a better visualisation, a Scanning Electron Microscope or a Focussed Ion Beam-microscope is recommended.

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Measurement with our confocal microscope of a miniaturized Atomium.

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A miniaturized mosquito imaged with a FIB microscope. The total size of the mosquito is 150µm.

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Measurement of a printed woodpile structure with a SEM. A gold coating was applied to prevent charging of the surface.
