Digital Thermometer, -50 à +200 °C
Vendor | Avantec |
Technical details | "-50°C till 200°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Mercury Thermometer
Laboratory | TIPs |
Precision Thermometer, 0 à +100 °C
Vendor | VWR |
Technical details | "0°C till 100°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Precision Thermometer, -10 à +200 °C
Vendor | VWR |
Technical details | "-10°C till 200°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -40 à +200 °C
Vendor | TFA |
Technical details | "-40 till 200°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -50 à +350 °C
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | 905T1 |
Technical details | "-50 till 350°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -50 à +200°C
Vendor | Durac |
Technical details | "-50 till 200°C" |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Ecoscan con6 |
Technical details | Range: 0 to 19.99, 199.9, 1999 µS_cm; +-1% full scale 19.99, 199.9 mS_cm |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde O2 Carbo + adaptateur
Vendor | Jeulin |
Catalog name | Clark |
Technical details | Intrusive measurement; range: 0 – saturation (water-solution), from 0 to 25 % in air; 10s settling time |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde CO2 + adaptateur
Vendor | Jeulin |
Catalog name | 453076 |
Technical details | Water : 0 à 153 mg_L CO2 - Air : 0 to 10 % |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde pH + adaptateur
Vendor | Jeulin |
Catalog name | 703170 |
Technical details | pH de 0 – 14; probe to be connected with console |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Console ESAO 4
Vendor | Jeulin |
Technical details | Sampling rate 100kHz, 12 bits |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature, humidite et vitesse de l'air
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | Testo 400 0563-4001 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | Testo 650 0563-6501 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | 0420-0021 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | 0420-0023 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Datalogger pour sonde de vitesse de l'air (boule chaude)
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | Testo 445 0560-4450 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde de temperature et vitesse de l'air (boule chaude)
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | 0635-1549_604 |
Technical details | Ranges : 0 à 10 m_s et -20 à 70°C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Anemometre (+ mesure temperature)
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | 405-V1 0560-4053 |
Technical details | Ranges : 0 à 10 m_s et -20 à 50°C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Solarimetre KIMO
Vendor | KIMO |
Catalog name | SL 100 |
Technical details | Range : 1 à 1300 W_m² |
Laboratory | TIPs |
pH metre
Vendor | Radiometer Copenhagen |
Catalog name | pHmetre PHM202 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde pH
Vendor | Radiometer Copenhagen |
Catalog name | Sonde pHC3005-8 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
pH metre
Vendor | Eutech Instruments |
Catalog name | CyberScan pH 110 |
Technical details | pH Range: -2.00 to 16.00 pH; Resolution: 0.01 pH; Accuracy: ± 0.01 pH; Slope Range: 80% to 120% |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde pH
Vendor | Eutech Instruments, sonde |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Datalogger USB Humidite et Temperature de l'air
Vendor | Wisemann Klein |
Catalog name | WK057 |
Technical details | Small portable acquisition system Range de temperature : de -40 °C à 70 °C Range d’humidite : de 0 à 100 %RH |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature USB Datalogger
Vendor | Fennel |
Catalog name | FHT 70 |
Technical details | -40 -> 70°C +- 1° ; 0-100%RH +- 3% ; Dew point measurement |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature USB Datalogger
Vendor | Fennel |
Catalog name | FHT 60 |
Technical details | -20 -> 60°C +- 2° ; 0-100%RH +- 3,5% |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor
Vendor | Kobold |
Catalog name | 3,277,070,192 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor
Vendor | Technofluid-Keller |
Catalog name | PR-23S_1bar_8054955 |
Technical details | 1bar |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor
Vendor | Technofluid-Keller |
Catalog name | PAA-33X_1.2bar_80794.5 |
Technical details | 0,8-1,2 bar |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor (Baro diver)
Vendor | Eijkelkamp |
Catalog name | Baro diver |
Technical details | underwater pressure measurement; depth measurement of 5-100 meter |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sonde O2
Vendor | Presens |
Catalog name | Fibox 4 |
Technical details | Non-intrusive measurement – Range: Gaseous: 0 – 100 % O2 – Limit detect: 0,03% Dissolved: 0 – 45 mg_L - Limit detec: 15 ppb |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Mass Flow Meter (Debitmetre massique) CO2
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Mass Flow Controller (Contrôleur debitmetre Bright)
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Boitier regulation temperature
Vendor | Ero Electronic |
Catalog name | LMS 491130000 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Boitier de regulation de temperature
Vendor | Omron |
Catalog name | E5CN |
Technical details | Regulateur de temperature basique avec alarmes |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Boitier regulation temperature (x2)
Vendor | Omega |
Catalog name | CN4000 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Thermocouples type K
Vendor | Fabritius |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Thermocouples type T
Vendor | Fabritius |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Thermocouples PT100
Vendor | Fabritius |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature de l'air
Vendor | Testo |
Catalog name | Testo 645 0560-6450 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Solarimetre VOLTCRAFT
Vendor | VOLTCRAFT |
Catalog name | PL-110SM |
Technical details | Range : 0 à 1999 W_m² |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Mass flow meter (Debitmetre)
Vendor | Aalborg |
Catalog name | GFC17 |
Technical details | Air - 0-500ml_min |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor
Vendor | Keller |
Catalog name | PR-23S |
Technical details | 0-1 bar |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Mass Flow meter (Debitmetre)
Vendor | Burkert |
Catalog name | S030 |
Technical details | water |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature Datalogger
Vendor | Extech Instruments |
Catalog name | RHT10 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Weather station
Vendor | Lufft |
Catalog name | Opus 20 |
Technical details | Temp, Pressure, Humidity, Connectable to computer for logging |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Coriolis flow controller
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | Mini Cori-Flow |
Technical details | Max 7,5 mg_sec – Coriolis measurement type (=>also measures density) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vapour mixer (CEM) + controller
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | Controlled Evaporator Mixer |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Low pressure drop flow controller
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | Low-DeltaP-Flow (F-201DV) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Flow controller (Liquiflow)
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | Liqui-Flow (L13) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Temperature controller
Vendor | Thorlabs |
Catalog name | TC200 |
Technical details | 20-200° resolution 0,1° |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Pressure controller El-Press Select
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | P-702CV-1K1A-AGD-33-V |
Technical details | 100 mln_min Air : 300mbar(a)_1.5mbar(a) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow)
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | F-201C-FA-22V |
Technical details | 4ln_min N2 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow select)
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | F-201CV-1K0-AGD-22-V |
Technical details | 1.5ln_min N2 - 1-3bar(a) |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow)
Vendor | Bronkhorst (Gefran) |
Catalog name | F-201C |
Technical details | 15ln_min H2 - 63 bar |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Name | Technical Details | Team |
Digital Thermometer, -50 à +200 °C, Avantec, | "-50°C till 200°C" | TIPs |
Mercury Thermometer, , | TIPs | |
Precision Thermometer, 0 à +100 °C, VWR, | "0°C till 100°C" | TIPs |
Precision Thermometer, -10 à +200 °C, VWR, | "-10°C till 200°C" | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -40 à +200 °C, TFA, | "-40 till 200°C" | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -50 à +350 °C, Testo, 905T1 | "-50 till 350°C" | TIPs |
Digital Thermometer, -50 à +200°C, Durac, | "-50 till 200°C" | TIPs |
Conductimetre, Ecoscan con6, | Range: 0 to 19.99, 199.9, 1999 µS_cm; +-1% full scale 19.99, 199.9 mS_cm | TIPs |
Sonde O2 Carbo + adaptateur, Jeulin, Clark | Intrusive measurement; range: 0 – saturation (water-solution), from 0 to 25 % in air; 10s settling time | TIPs |
Sonde CO2 + adaptateur, Jeulin, 453076 | Water : 0 à 153 mg_L CO2 - Air : 0 to 10 % | TIPs |
Sonde pH + adaptateur, Jeulin, 703170 | pH de 0 – 14; probe to be connected with console | TIPs |
Console ESAO 4, Jeulin, | Sampling rate 100kHz, 12 bits | TIPs |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature, humidite et vitesse de l'air, Testo, Testo 400 0563-4001 | TIPs | |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air, Testo, Testo 650 0563-6501 | TIPs | |
Sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air, Testo, 0420-0021 | TIPs | |
Sondes de temperature et humidite de l'air, Testo, 0420-0023 | TIPs | |
Datalogger pour sonde de vitesse de l'air (boule chaude), Testo, Testo 445 0560-4450 | TIPs | |
Sonde de temperature et vitesse de l'air (boule chaude), Testo, 0635-1549_604 | Ranges : 0 à 10 m_s et -20 à 70°C | TIPs |
Anemometre (+ mesure temperature), Testo, 405-V1 0560-4053 | Ranges : 0 à 10 m_s et -20 à 50°C | TIPs |
Solarimetre KIMO, KIMO, SL 100 | Range : 1 à 1300 W_m² | TIPs |
pH metre, Radiometer Copenhagen, pHmetre PHM202 | TIPs | |
Sonde pH, Radiometer Copenhagen, Sonde pHC3005-8 | TIPs | |
pH metre, Eutech Instruments, CyberScan pH 110 | pH Range: -2.00 to 16.00 pH; Resolution: 0.01 pH; Accuracy: ± 0.01 pH; Slope Range: 80% to 120% | TIPs |
Sonde pH, Eutech Instruments, sonde, | TIPs | |
Datalogger USB Humidite et Temperature de l'air, Wisemann Klein, WK057 | Small portable acquisition system Range de temperature : de -40 °C à 70 °C Range d’humidite : de 0 à 100 %RH | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature USB Datalogger, Fennel, FHT 70 | -40 -> 70°C +- 1° ; 0-100%RH +- 3% ; Dew point measurement | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature USB Datalogger, Fennel, FHT 60 | -20 -> 60°C +- 2° ; 0-100%RH +- 3,5% | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor, Kobold, 3,277,070,192 | TIPs | |
Pressure Sensor, Technofluid-Keller, PR-23S_1bar_8054955 | 1bar | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor, Technofluid-Keller, PAA-33X_1.2bar_80794.5 | 0,8-1,2 bar | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor (Baro diver), Eijkelkamp, Baro diver | underwater pressure measurement; depth measurement of 5-100 meter | TIPs |
Sonde O2, Presens, Fibox 4 | Non-intrusive measurement – Range: Gaseous: 0 – 100 % O2 – Limit detect: 0,03% Dissolved: 0 – 45 mg_L - Limit detec: 15 ppb | TIPs |
Mass Flow Meter (Debitmetre massique) CO2, Bronkhorst (Gefran), | TIPs | |
Mass Flow Controller (Contrôleur debitmetre Bright), Bronkhorst (Gefran), | TIPs | |
Boitier regulation temperature, Ero Electronic, LMS 491130000 | TIPs | |
Boitier de regulation de temperature, Omron, E5CN | Regulateur de temperature basique avec alarmes | TIPs |
Boitier regulation temperature (x2), Omega, CN4000 | TIPs | |
Thermocouples type K, Fabritius, | TIPs | |
Thermocouples type T, Fabritius, | TIPs | |
Thermocouples PT100, Fabritius, | TIPs | |
Datalogger pour sondes de temperature de l'air, Testo, Testo 645 0560-6450 | TIPs | |
Solarimetre VOLTCRAFT, VOLTCRAFT, PL-110SM | Range : 0 à 1999 W_m² | TIPs |
Mass flow meter (Debitmetre), Aalborg, GFC17 | Air - 0-500ml_min | TIPs |
Pressure Sensor, Keller, PR-23S | 0-1 bar | TIPs |
Mass Flow meter (Debitmetre), Burkert, S030 | water | TIPs |
Humidity and Temperature Datalogger, Extech Instruments, RHT10 | TIPs | |
Weather station, Lufft, Opus 20 | Temp, Pressure, Humidity, Connectable to computer for logging | TIPs |
Coriolis flow controller, Bronkhorst (Gefran), Mini Cori-Flow | Max 7,5 mg_sec – Coriolis measurement type (=>also measures density) | TIPs |
Vapour mixer (CEM) + controller, Bronkhorst (Gefran), Controlled Evaporator Mixer | TIPs | |
Low pressure drop flow controller, Bronkhorst (Gefran), Low-DeltaP-Flow (F-201DV) | TIPs | |
Flow controller (Liquiflow), Bronkhorst (Gefran), Liqui-Flow (L13) | TIPs | |
Temperature controller, Thorlabs, TC200 | 20-200° resolution 0,1° | TIPs |
Pressure controller El-Press Select, Bronkhorst (Gefran), P-702CV-1K1A-AGD-33-V | 100 mln_min Air : 300mbar(a)_1.5mbar(a) | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow), Bronkhorst (Gefran), F-201C-FA-22V | 4ln_min N2 | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow select), Bronkhorst (Gefran), F-201CV-1K0-AGD-22-V | 1.5ln_min N2 - 1-3bar(a) | TIPs |
Flow controller (Elflow), Bronkhorst (Gefran), F-201C | 15ln_min H2 - 63 bar | TIPs |