Vendor | Lauda |
Catalog name | Proline RP 845 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sartorius balance 2kg
Vendor | Sartorius |
Catalog name | CPA2202S |
Technical details | 0-2200+-0,01g |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sartorius balance 220g
Vendor | Sartorius |
Catalog name | BP221S |
Technical details | 0-220+-0,0001g |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Bain marie
Vendor | Memmert |
Catalog name | WNB 10 |
Technical details | Volume: 10 L; Setting temperature range: 10°C to 95°C with activation of the boiling mode up to 100°C; Setting accuracy: 0.1°C; Indication accuracy: 0.1°C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Balance analytique, 0-12 kg ± 0.1 g
Vendor | Sartorius |
Catalog name | CP 12001S |
Technical details | 0-12000g +- 0,1g |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Balance cuisine
Vendor | Proline |
Technical details | 5kg max; 1g precison |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Balance de precision
Vendor | Precisa |
Catalog name | 360 ES |
Technical details | 220g max, 0.01 mg precision |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -30°C à +20°C
Vendor | Polysience |
Catalog name | 6105P |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -40°C à +100°C
Vendor | Huber |
Catalog name | CC250WL |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C, Tête electronique
Vendor | Polysience |
Catalog name | 911 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C
Vendor | Polysience |
Catalog name | 911 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C
Vendor | Polysience |
Catalog name | 911 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Huber |
Catalog name | MPC-E K6-NR |
Technical details | -25-200° |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, jusque +200 °C
Vendor | Huber |
Catalog name | CC-505 |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Etuve + plateaux
Vendor | Termacks |
Catalog name | TS 8000 |
Technical details | max temp 110 °C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Etuve + plateaux
Vendor | Memmert |
Catalog name | Gris-noir |
Technical details | max temp 110 °C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Etuve + plateaux
Vendor | Memmert |
Catalog name | 100-800 (gris-noir) |
Technical details | max temp 110 °C |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Sigma |
Catalog name | model 2-6 |
Technical details | max speed : 4000 rpm; Kynetic Energy : 1694 Nm |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Vakuumfest |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Fisher |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue)
Vendor | KD Scientific |
Catalog name | Kds 250 |
Technical details | Injection, 2 syringes, |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | 34972A + 34901A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | 34973A + 34901A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | 34974A + 34901A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | 34975A + 34901A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | 34976A + 34901A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Sartorius |
Catalog name | CPA1003S |
Technical details | max 1kg, resolution 1mg |
Laboratory | TIPs |
High voltage power source
Vendor | Exelis |
Catalog name | HP020PAA025 |
Technical details | 0-20kV |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue) (2 syringe)
Vendor | KD Scientific |
Technical details | 2 syringe |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue) (10 syringe)
Vendor | KD Scientific |
Technical details | 10 syringe model |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Agilent |
Catalog name | DS0-1004A |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vacuum sealer Krups
Vendor | Krups vacupack plus |
Catalog name | F380 |
Technical details | Vacuum sealing of pepper samples |
Laboratory | TIPs |
vacuum pump VP820
Vendor | VWR |
Technical details | solvent resistent vacuum pump |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Sartorius balance 2200g
Vendor | Sartorius |
Catalog name | ENTRIS220i-1S |
Technical details | 0-2200+-0,01g |
Laboratory | TIPs |
Vendor | Teledyne Lecroy |
Catalog name | Wave surfer 3024 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Impedance Measurement
Vendor | Wayne Kerr |
Catalog name | 6425 1EV6425B/B |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Dual tracking supply
Vendor | GW |
Catalog name | GPC-3030D |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Electrical Supply digimess
Vendor | Digimess |
Catalog name | HY3003 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Power analyser
Vendor | vltech PM100 X9 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Vendor | ISW8000 X7 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
signal generator wavetek
Vendor | Wavetek meterman |
Catalog name | FG2C X6 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
multimeter keithly
Vendor | Keithley 2100 X3 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Multimeter hp
Vendor | HP |
Catalog name | HP34401 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Soldering station 200W
Vendor | Weller |
Catalog name | WXA2 Power station |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Soldering station 50W
Vendor | Weller |
Catalog name | WSD50 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
(De)Soldering station xytronic
Vendor | Xytronic |
Catalog name | LF-8800 |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Vendor | clarke ranger air |
Laboratory | BEAMS-AN |
Julabo FP40-HE Cryostat bath (-40C - +200C)
Vendor | Analis |
Catalog name | 9212640 |
Technical details | Julabo refrigerated and heating circulator FP40-HE, temperature range : -40 … 200 °C, Ethanol cooling fluid |
Laboratory | NLPCU-Glacio |
Insulated tubing for connections to Julabo cryostat
Vendor | Analis |
Catalog name | 8930214 |
Technical details | 3m metal tubing M16 (-100 - +350C) |
Laboratory | NLPCU-Glacio |
Julabo FP51-SL Cryostat bath (-51C - + 200C)
Vendor | Analis |
Catalog name | 9352751 |
Technical details | Julabo refrigerated and heating circulator FP51-SL, temperature range : -51 … 200 °C, Ethanol cooling fluid |
Laboratory | NLPCU-Glacio |
Syringe pump
Vendor | Kd scientific |
Catalog name | KDS 210--CE |
Laboratory | NLPCU |
Peristaltic pump
Vendor | Ismatec |
Catalog name | ISM925 |
Laboratory | NLPCU |
Peristaltic pump
Vendor | Ismatec |
Catalog name | BVP-Z |
Laboratory | NLPCU |
Name | Technical Details | Team |
Cryothermostat, Lauda, Proline RP 845 | TIPs | |
Sartorius balance 2kg, Sartorius, CPA2202S | 0-2200+-0,01g | TIPs |
Sartorius balance 220g, Sartorius, BP221S | 0-220+-0,0001g | TIPs |
Bain marie, Memmert, WNB 10 | Volume: 10 L; Setting temperature range: 10°C to 95°C with activation of the boiling mode up to 100°C; Setting accuracy: 0.1°C; Indication accuracy: 0.1°C | TIPs |
Balance analytique, 0-12 kg ± 0.1 g, Sartorius, CP 12001S | 0-12000g +- 0,1g | TIPs |
Balance cuisine, Proline, | 5kg max; 1g precison | TIPs |
Balance de precision, Precisa, 360 ES | 220g max, 0.01 mg precision | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, -30°C à +20°C, Polysience, 6105P | TIPs | |
Cryothermostat, -40°C à +100°C, Huber, CC250WL | TIPs | |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C, Tête electronique, Polysience, 911 | TIPs | |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C, Polysience, 911 | TIPs | |
Cryothermostat, -20°C à +100°C, Polysience, 911 | TIPs | |
Cryothermostat, Huber, MPC-E K6-NR | -25-200° | TIPs |
Cryothermostat, jusque +200 °C, Huber, CC-505 | TIPs | |
Etuve + plateaux, Termacks, TS 8000 | max temp 110 °C | TIPs |
Etuve + plateaux, Memmert, Gris-noir | max temp 110 °C | TIPs |
Etuve + plateaux, Memmert, 100-800 (gris-noir) | max temp 110 °C | TIPs |
Centrifugeuse, Sigma, model 2-6 | max speed : 4000 rpm; Kynetic Energy : 1694 Nm | TIPs |
Dessicateur, Vakuumfest, | TIPs | |
Dessicateur, Fisher, | TIPs | |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue), KD Scientific, Kds 250 | Injection, 2 syringes, | TIPs |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition, Agilent, 34972A + 34901A | TIPs | |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition, Agilent, 34973A + 34901A | TIPs | |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition, Agilent, 34974A + 34901A | TIPs | |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition, Agilent, 34975A + 34901A | TIPs | |
Data loggers + cartes d'acquisition, Agilent, 34976A + 34901A | TIPs | |
Balance, Sartorius, CPA1003S | max 1kg, resolution 1mg | TIPs |
High voltage power source, Exelis, HP020PAA025 | 0-20kV | TIPs |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue) (2 syringe), KD Scientific, | 2 syringe | TIPs |
Syringe Pump (Pousse-seringue) (10 syringe), KD Scientific, | 10 syringe model | TIPs |
Oscilloscope, Agilent, DS0-1004A | TIPs | |
Vacuum sealer Krups, Krups vacupack plus, F380 | Vacuum sealing of pepper samples | TIPs |
vacuum pump VP820, VWR, | solvent resistent vacuum pump | TIPs |
Sartorius balance 2200g, Sartorius, ENTRIS220i-1S | 0-2200+-0,01g | TIPs |
Oscilloscope, Teledyne Lecroy, Wave surfer 3024 | BEAMS-AN | |
Impedance Measurement, Wayne Kerr, 6425 1EV6425B/B | BEAMS-AN | |
Dual tracking supply, GW, GPC-3030D | BEAMS-AN | |
Electrical Supply digimess, Digimess, HY3003 | BEAMS-AN | |
Power analyser, vltech PM100 X9, | BEAMS-AN | |
Wattmeter, ISW8000 X7, | BEAMS-AN | |
signal generator wavetek, Wavetek meterman, FG2C X6 | BEAMS-AN | |
multimeter keithly, Keithley 2100 X3, | BEAMS-AN | |
Multimeter hp, HP, HP34401 | BEAMS-AN | |
Soldering station 200W, Weller, WXA2 Power station | BEAMS-AN | |
Soldering station 50W, Weller, WSD50 | BEAMS-AN | |
(De)Soldering station xytronic, Xytronic, LF-8800 | BEAMS-AN | |
Compressor, clarke ranger air, | BEAMS-AN | |
Julabo FP40-HE Cryostat bath (-40C - +200C), Analis, 9212640 | Julabo refrigerated and heating circulator FP40-HE, temperature range : -40 … 200 °C, Ethanol cooling fluid | NLPCU-Glacio |
Insulated tubing for connections to Julabo cryostat, Analis, 8930214 | 3m metal tubing M16 (-100 - +350C) | NLPCU-Glacio |
Julabo FP51-SL Cryostat bath (-51C - + 200C), Analis, 9352751 | Julabo refrigerated and heating circulator FP51-SL, temperature range : -51 … 200 °C, Ethanol cooling fluid | NLPCU-Glacio |
Syringe pump, Kd scientific, KDS 210--CE | NLPCU | |
Peristaltic pump, Ismatec, ISM925 | NLPCU | |
Peristaltic pump, Ismatec, BVP-Z | NLPCU |